32. Self-declaration for COVID emergency state aid ceilings.
Read the circular
April 06, 2023
8. Definition of the tax prendenze ex L. 197-2022
Read the circular
March 20, 2023
32. Self-declaration for COVID emergency state aid ceilings.
Read the circular
March 8, 2023
32. Self-declaration for COVID emergency state aid ceilings.
Read the circular
March 8, 2023
Read the circular
February 14, 2023
Read the circular
NOVEMBER 2, 2022
32. Self-declaration for COVID emergency state aid ceilings.
Read the circular
31. Reference to the household for the main dwelling for IMU purposes.
Read the circular
Timetable for the month of October 2022
See the schedule
30. Aid decree ter - Main changes
Read the circular
29. Decree Aid bis - Main innovations
Read the circular
Schedule for the month of September 2022
See the schedule
28. Tax simplification decree - Main changes made upon conversion in L. 4.08.2022 no. 122
Read the circular
27. Aid decree bis - Main changes
Read the circular
Timetable for the month of August 2022
See the schedule
26. Aid Decree - Main changes made upon conversion in L. 15.7.2022 no. 91
Read the circular
Schedule for the month of July 2022
See the schedule
25. "Tax simplification" decree - Main changes
Read the circular
24. Reporting of cross-border transactions - Amendments (so-called "new esterometer")
Read the circular
Schedule for the month of June 2022
See the schedule
23. Aid Decree - Main novelties
Read the circular
22. Ukraine Decree - Main changes
Read the circular
21. Energy Decree - Main changes
Read the circular
Schedule for the month of May 2022
See the schedule
Schedule for the month of April 2022
See the schedule
20. Decree sostegni-ter - Main changes made upon conversion in L. 28.3.2022 no. 25
Read the circular
19. Reporting cash transactions related to foreign tourism carried out in 2021 - Modalities and deadlines
Read the circular
18. Green pass requirement for private sector workers - Changes from 01.04.2022
Read the circular
17. Ukraine Decree - Main changes
Read the circular
16. Disclosure of public disbursements - Modalities and deadlines for compliance
Read the circular
15. Energy Decree - Main changes
Read the circular
14. Option for discount on consideration or assignment of credit-Modification of discipline.
Read the circular
13. Decree milleproroghe - Main innovations
Read the circular
12. VAT identification number intra-Community supplies - Chain supplies - Call off stock scheme
Read the circular
11. INTRASTAT forms - Discipline applicable for transactions carried out since 01.01.2022
Read the circular
10. Tax return - Reporting health and veterinary expenses incurred since 2022
Read the circular
9. Flat-rate scheme for self-employed persons - Eligibility for contribution relief
Read the circular
March 2022 schedule
See the schedule
8. Extension of communication options for rebate on consideration or transfer of building bonus
Read the circular
Schedule for the month of February 2022
See the schedule
7. Decree Sostegni-ter - Main changes
Read the circular
6. Green pass - List of activities for which it will not be required from February 1.
Read the circular
5. Introducing enhanced green pass obligation for workers over 50
Read the circular
4. Obligation to report casual self-employed workers
Read the circular
3. Outline summary of some of the key fiscal 2022 deadlines
Read the circular
Schedule for the month of January 2022
See the schedule
2. Budget Law 2022 - Main changes
Read the circular
1. Reduction in the limit of cash use from 01.01.2022
Read the circular
DL 21.10.2021 no. 146 (so-called "tax-labor" decree) conv. L. 17.12.2021 no. 215 -
Major tax and relief changes made in conversion
Read the circular
Legal interest rate - Increase to 1.25% from 2022 - Effects for tax purposes and
Read the circular
"Construction" deductions - Communication of the option to transfer the credit or the
Invoice discount - New in DL 11.11.2021 no. 157 (so-called "Antifraud" decree) -
Clarification from the Internal Revenue Service
Read the circular
Coronavirus Epidemiological Emergency - Non-repayable grant for the
Closed activities of DL "Support-bis" - Methods and deadlines for submission of
Read the circular
Epidemiological emergency from Coronavirus - Grant grant
equalization" - Method and deadline for submission of applications
Read the circular
Epidemiological emergency from Coronavirus - Grant grant
Equalisation" - Implementing Provisions
Read the circular
"Construction" deductions - Communication of the option to transfer the credit or the
Invoice discount - New in DL 11.11.2021 no. 157 (so-called "Antifraud" decree)
Read the circular
"Construction" deductions - Communication of the option to transfer the credit or the
Invoice discount - New in DL 11.11.2021 no. 157 (so-called "Antifraud" decree)
Read the circular
Electronic invoice 2022: New rules for transactions with non-counterparties
residents and transactions with declarations of intent
Read the circular
DL 21.10.2021 no. 146 (so-called "tax decree") - Main changes in labor matters
Read the circular
DL 21.10.2021 no. 146 (so-called "tax decree") - Main changes in tax matters
and facilities
Read the circular
Coronavirus epidemiological emergency - Grant for the
Subjects with revenues or compensation between 10 and 15 million euros of DL "Sostegni-bis" -
Methods and deadlines for submitting applications
Read the circular
Tax credit for sanitization and purchase of protective equipment -
Modalities and deadlines for sending the Communication
Read the circular
Extension of "green pass" obligation to all private sector workers - Art.
3 of DL 21.9.2021 no. 127 - Effective from 15.10.2021
Read the circular
Innovative ACE (so-called "super ACE") - Summary of discipline and communications
to the Internal Revenue Service
Read the circular
Exchange relations between Italy and San Marino - Electronic invoicing - News
from 1.10.2021
Read the circular
Extension of "green pass" obligation to all private sector workers - Art.
3 of DL 21.9.2021 no. 127
Read the circular
E-bill with San Marino to start on October 1, 2021
Read the circular
Automatic cancellation of roles up to 5,000.00 euros - Article 4 of DL 22.3.2021 no.
41 conv. L. 21.5.2021 no. 69 and DM 14.7.2021
Read the circular
Third sector entities - Carrying out activities other than those of interest
General - Limits
Read the circular
Superbonus of 110% - New in DL 31.5.2021 no. 77 (so-called "Simplifications"),
conv. L. 29.7.2021 no. 108
Read the circular
Partial contribution exemption for the self-employed and registered professionals
to INPS - L. 30.12.2020 no. 178 (Budget Law 2021) and DM 17.5.2021 -
Submission of applications by 30.9.2021
Read the circular
Coronavirus epidemiological emergency - DL 25.5.2021 no. 73
(so-called "Support-bis" decree) conv. L. 23.7.2021 no. 106 - Major new developments in the field
of labor and welfare made at the time of conversion.
Read the circular
Coronavirus epidemiological emergency - DL 25.5.2021 no. 73 (so-called decree
"Supports-bis") conv. L. 23.7.2021 no. 106 - Highlights
In tax and relief matters made in conversion
Read the circular
Taxpayers performing activities for which synthetic indices have been approved
of tax reliability (ISA) - Further extension of payments to 9/15/2021
Read the circular
Special import VAT declaration and payment scheme -
Application from 1.7.2021
Read the circular
Coronavirus epidemiological emergency - Grant for the
rent reduction - Modalities and deadlines for submission
Epidemiological emergency from Coronavirus - Grant grant
"alternative" for seasonal activities of DL "Supports-bis" - Modalities and terms of
submission of applications
Read the circular
VAT news in e-commerce from 01.07.2021
Read the circular
E-commerce: new VAT regime for individuals making online sales to
end consumers in other EU countries (One Stop Shop)
Read the circular
extension of payments for taxpayers
Read the circular
Read the circular
Coronavirus epidemiological emergency - DL 25.5.2021 no. 73 (c.d.
"Supports-bis" decree) - Main innovations in the field.
of labor and welfare
Read the circular
Coronavirus epidemiological emergency - DL 25.5.2021 no. 73 (so-called decree
"Supports-bis") - Major tax-related news.
and facilities
Read the circular
IMU - Payment of the first installment by 16.06.2021
Read the circular
Synthetic Indices of Fiscal Reliability (ISA) - Applicability in relation to the
model INCOME 2021
Read the circular
Synthetic Indices of Fiscal Reliability (ISA) - Applicability in relation to the
model INCOME 2021
Read the circular
Coronavirus epidemiological emergency - DL 22.3.2021 no. 41
(so-called "Supports" decree) - Main changes made upon conversion in L.
21.5.2021 n. 69
Read the circular
Third sector reform - Adjustment of statutes to the Third Sector Code
Read the circular
Tax credits from facilities - Operation of the platform
"Credit assignment"
Read the circular
IRPEF deduction of attendance expenses of non-state universities -
Identification of amount limits for the 2020 tax year and clarification
of the Internal Revenue Service
Read the circular
Electronic Invoices - New deadlines, ways of discharging stamp duty
and failure to pay
Read the circular
Coronavirus epidemiological emergency - DL 22.3.2021 no. 41 (so-called decree
Supports") - Main new features
Read the circular
Disclosure of public disbursements
Read the circular
Unified Certifications 2021 - Sending data for 2020 for the pre-filling of the
declarations - Electronic invoice storage - Extensions of deadlines.
Read the circular
DECRETO MILLEPROROGHE (DL 31.12.2020 N. 183 CONV. L. 26.2.2021 N. 21) - MAIN NOVELTIES
Read the circular
Read the circular
Read the circular
Precompilation of tax returns - Sending to the Internal Revenue Service the
Data on school expenditures and charitable disbursements
Read the circular
Single Certification 2021 - Submission to the Internal Revenue Service and delivery to the taxpayer
Read the circular
Flat-rate scheme for self-employed persons - Eligibility for contribution relief
Read the circular
Precompilation of tax returns - Reporting of data on
To health and veterinary expenses incurred since 2021 - New deadlines
Read the circular
Coronavirus epidemiological emergency - DL 30.1.2021 No. 7 (so-called decree
"Riscossione-bis") - Suspension of payment records.
Read the circular
Coronavirus epidemiological emergency - DL 15.1.2021 no. 3 (so-called decree
"Collection") - Suspension of payment records.
Read the circular
Exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (so-called "Brexit") - Main effects in
fiscal and labor
Read the circular
Exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (so-called "Brexit") - Main effects in
fiscal and labor
Read the circular
Circular 2/2021: Brief Summary of Tax Deadlines 2021